Dental X-Rays and Your Health

X-rays are an important tool in the dental community (and medical community at large) as they provide…
When is it a Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies are not like other emergencies. It can be hard to know the difference between harassing your dentist or getting in contact because there is a serious time-sensitive issue at hand – particularly if you’re not even sure what the problem is. The rule of thumb is this: “If it hurts – it’s an […]
Dental Health over Dental Insurance
Health insurance is a topic familiar to many, and varies from individual to individual. Providers are different, coverage fluctuates, and co-pays change as well. However, it is always important that the health of you and your family remains our number one priority. Dental Emergency Care An injured tooth, like any emergency situation, often presents an […]
All you need to know about WISDOM… Teeth!
Wisdom teeth are considered to be a third set (upper and lower jaw) of molars. They typically appear during your last few teen years and early twenties. There are some people who are lucky enough to experience no problems what-so-ever with their wisdom teeth. If they are developing in the proper position and not causing […]
Candy Alternatives for Trick-or-Treaters

The fall season brings an amazing amount of fun activities for you and your family. From the excitement of Halloween, to school fall festivals, kids and parents alike look forward to the cool weather and family memories. Unfortunately, Halloween and fall festivals can also do a number on your child’s teeth. Hard candies, sweet treats […]