Coastal CT Dentistry

Halloween is a night full of spook-tacular thrills and terrifying fun! It can also be a dreaded nightmare with the overload of candy that can spark the start of a cavity! This year, why not try something new? When you are gathering your cauldron full of trick or treat goodies, try and opt for some alternatives to the sugar jitters that are bound to commence! There is no written rule that you HAVE to give out candy. This year, let’s stand out from the crowd and spice it up a little bit.
Here are some unique alternatives:
• Mini Play Doh
• Snack Packs (pretzels, popcorn, fruit chews… etc.)
• Temporary tattoos or stickers
• Spooky vampire teeth
• Halloween themed goodies (pencils, rings, toys, activity books… etc.)
• Glow sticks
• Mini juices or waters
• Small chalk packs
• Costume jewelry
• Mini bubbles
• Travel size floss and toothbrushes 😉
A couple of tips to keep in mind before the kiddos are ready to hit the town:
– Feed your child a well balanced meal before they go trick or treating.
– Use smaller candy loot bags instead of pillow cases or large grocery bags
Now, let’s be real, we all know that Halloween is a time to indulge, a little (or a lot) in the sugary goodness. Let this be a special day that your child can have a couple of pieces of candy out of their loot bag. But limit the amount they consume. Not to mention, no one likes a belly ache after too many sweets. Just keep in mind, when your child comes home from the wicked Halloween trick or treating, go through their candy. If there are any candy wrappers that are open or look to be tampered with, throw away without hesitation. And don’t let your kids keep their candy stash! If you are in control of it, you can monitor when they have a piece and how much they are eating.
If you only want to allow for a couple of pieces of candy, and get rid of the rest, consider these options:
• Dental Office Candy Buy Backs
• Donating the candy to the troops
• Make your child a deal. For every piece of candy they hand over, give them a dime and then let them pick something special they would like to do with their earnings! Instant allowance! Perhaps a movie of their choice? A dinner date? Or a new toy?
No matter what the decision you choose to go with this year, we hope you have a safe and frightfully fun filled Halloween!

Coastal Connecticut Dentistry

112 Cross Road
Waterford, CT 06385

Phone: 860-447-1787