Do You Have a Dental Disorder?
The range of possible dental disorders are wide and some are more easily recognized than others. It can be a bit perplexing to consider you may have a dental disorder without realizing it. It’s actually more common than you might think. Some disorders have obvious symptoms that may have you running to our office. Others […]
Dental X-Rays and Your Health
X-rays are an important tool in the dental community (and medical community at large) as they provide…
What Causes Bad Breath?
There are several sources of bad breath, including diet and dry mouth – both boil down to the presence of…
How the Holidays Affect Your Teeth
To better understand why it’s important to monitor sugar consumption, we must first address the development of gum disease and cavities…[Read More]
When is it a Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies are not like other emergencies. It can be hard to know the difference between harassing your dentist or getting in contact because there is a serious time-sensitive issue at hand – particularly if you’re not even sure what the problem is. The rule of thumb is this: “If it hurts – it’s an […]
Dental Health over Dental Insurance
Health insurance is a topic familiar to many, and varies from individual to individual. Providers are different, coverage fluctuates, and co-pays change as well. However, it is always important that the health of you and your family remains our number one priority. Dental Emergency Care An injured tooth, like any emergency situation, often presents an […]
How To Pick the Right Toothbrush & Floss
We all know to brush our teeth. Check. We all know to floss our teeth. Check (okay, we know some of us skip this step but we’ll let it slide this time). But do we know which type of toothbrush and which dental floss is the best to keep our pearly whites, well, pearly and […]
Keep Calm and Floss On
On August 2nd, this New York Times article was published and caused quite a bit of controversy in both the dental community and with the general public. While it is not conclusive in its findings, the overarching claim is that flossing may not be as beneficial as once thought. As dental professionals, we take very […]
Deep Cleaning for Healthy Gums
What is scaling and root planing? When is it recommended? As with many aspects of general dentistry, scaling and root planing is a treatment related to keeping your mouth free of gum disease. Your routine appointments and your home care are preventative measures to maintain your oral health; but as nice as it would be […]
How Pre-Medication can Affect Dental Health
What is pre-medicating? What do artificial joints have to do with dental treatment? Why is this related to my oral health and not just overall health? Good questions! Although artificial joints can seem like a far cry from concerns with your dental health, the two are more related than one may think. When it comes […]